On Monday, 20 July 2020 13:35:19 BST Hamish McIntyre-Bhatty wrote:
> Sadly, seeing as this is Python software, we don't have a makefile. I
> know there are a variety of ways to solve this going forwards, including
> even just noting what the commit was at the time of deployment on our
> forum or something like that, but this is more about how to solve the
> present issue. Sadly, I think the tarball might just not include any
> revision details.
> Whatever we do, it needs to be as simple as possible to ease the life of
> future maintainers - things like Makefiles and symlinks are probably not
> ideal, but thanks for the ideas :)

Presumably, when the makefile described by Ralph processes this, it creates 
this zip through some kind of script.

Couldn't we just create a 'Release' script that works on a text file containing 
the full list of files in the system (as a makefile does) fetches them from 
GitLab, zips them up and names the resulting archive with the Revision Number?

In other words a makefile, but without the compilation stage.

Have I missed something?


                Terry Coles

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