On Monday, 20 July 2020 13:55:14 BST Hamish McIntyre-Bhatty wrote:
> No, I think we absolutely could do that, and it would be a good
> solution, though perhaps a little tricky for future maintainers. If you
> think we should do that then I'm happy to write us such a script.

I think that it should be OK for future maintainers, providing that we 
document the purpose of the script in some prominent place.

> However, I was looking to a solution to the existing problem of not
> knowing exactly what revision/commit we have deployed :)

I think that horse has probably already bolted.  If lockdown hadn't occurred, 
we wouldn't have ended up forgetting where we were (that is no way intended to 
be an excuse for what happened).  Still it has happened and we have 
established, by looking at the code, that one particular release had made it 
into the deployed code.  We should be able to get pretty close by a 
combination of examining the diffs in Gitlab and looking at the commentary on 
the Forum.

I don't think we ever deployed any software without some kind of discussion 


                Terry Coles

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