On 20/07/2020 14:04, Terry Coles wrote:
> On Monday, 20 July 2020 13:55:14 BST Hamish McIntyre-Bhatty wrote:
>> No, I think we absolutely could do that, and it would be a good
>> solution, though perhaps a little tricky for future maintainers. If you
>> think we should do that then I'm happy to write us such a script.
> I think that it should be OK for future maintainers, providing that we 
> document the purpose of the script in some prominent place.
Okay :) I guess I'll write it in Python to make it at least slightly
more cross-platform in case future volunteers aren't running Linux.
>> However, I was looking to a solution to the existing problem of not
>> knowing exactly what revision/commit we have deployed :)
> I think that horse has probably already bolted.  If lockdown hadn't occurred, 
> we wouldn't have ended up forgetting where we were (that is no way intended 
> to 
> be an excuse for what happened).  Still it has happened and we have 
> established, by looking at the code, that one particular release had made it 
> into the deployed code.  We should be able to get pretty close by a 
> combination of examining the diffs in Gitlab and looking at the commentary on 
> the Forum.
> I don't think we ever deployed any software without some kind of discussion 
> beforehand. 
These things happen, it's no big deal :) As long as we can get
reasonably close it shall be fine, and as you say this shouldn't be too

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