On Tuesday, 4 August 2020 21:15:01 BST Terry Coles wrote:
> See https://www.waveshare.com/wiki/1.5inch_OLED_Module
> This page contains everything available about the device.

As Ralph mentioned last night, we spent much of the evening discussing how to 
get this device to display a picture of Andy Pandy or the 1950 BBC Test Card!

The discussion covered two aspects; pre-processing the images using The Gimp 
or similar to make them compatible with the device and secondly, doing the 
above in the Driver.

This morning, I've managed to successfully display the Andy Pandy image, the 
right size and without distortion, by using the process demonstrated by Tim et 
al last night.  This uses The Gimp to scale the image to the right size 
(maintaining the aspect ratio), index the image to 16 colour levels  and place 
it on a black background created by sizing the canvas to 128 x 128 pixels.

Thanks for the help!

I just have to get my head round the programmatic way of doing it now.


                Terry Coles

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