On Wednesday, 5 August 2020 13:43:29 BST Terry Coles wrote:
> I forgot to mention that it is also necessary to create a suitable palette
> of 16 colours between black and white.  Thi may then be applied to the
> image.

I was just trying to document what I had done and discovered that palettes 
aren't really used directly in Indexed images.  Instead a Colormap is used:


It seems that rather than creating a palette with 16 equally spaced grey 
scales between black and white, the Colormap is created by The Gimp using 
mapping to the colours found in the image when the image is processed using 
Mode - Indexed.  According to this:


This colormap can be set to the 'FG to BG' Palette that we created last night 
using 'Colors - Map - Set Colormap'  However, when I try to do it I get:

'Plug-in "script-fu" (/usr/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins/script-fu/script-fu) 
attempted to install procedure "temp-procedure-number-5" with invalid 
parameter name "num colors".'

The image that I created this morning seemed to work OK, but it would be nice 
to understand this final part.  My searches for the error yielded nothing.

Any ideas?


                Terry Coles

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