On 02/09/2020 17:19, C Wills wrote:
> Interesting meeting last night especially about the keyboard settings,
> found several things about the PC keyboard I was using and it's
> additional keys.
> Sorry this is a long email.
> Now to my problem:  While trying to upgrade from Mint 19.3 to Mint 20
> problems arose which have stop me using the Laptop (I'm on our PC for
> now).
> Long story so cutting it short. During the upgrade I used the 'other'
> option as the laptop has 4 partitions:-  sda1= OS (Mint) system files,
> sda2=swop, sda3=Home, sda4=odds area.
> Previous upgrades I've reformatted sda1 and left all other 'as is' and
> it's worked every time (till now).
> Now sda1 is empty (no files to be seen), all others still OK.
> Fault now says ' no UEFI file to be found' (or similar words)
> With Ralphs help we have established that the BIOS does support UEFI
> and it uses MBR(?) for Grub2.
> Can now only use a Live Disk to operate the Laptop. Gparted shows
> partitions and confirms OS is empty.
> From a 'live disk' would like to copy sda3 to another disk (USB 160Gb
> with 2 partitions - sdb1=NTFS and sdb2= Ext4 140Gb) before trying to
> re-install and ignoring the warnings!.
> I can only copy sda3 to any /other/ location (sdb2) by becoming 'Root'
> and when I've done this before I've ended up with all Directories and
> files being 'Owned' by Root and lost 'my' ownership.
> How can I copy sda3 to sdb2 using a 'live disk' conserving all
> properties..  All programs I've got don't seems to allow this. I'm
> normally a GUI user not terminal user unless I have a command to copy
> exactly, any help please?
> PS Laptop works fine from the live DVD ISO's of both Mint versions.
Hello Clive,

Do you have a backup you can restore before attempting to upgrade again?
This would probably be the easiest option.

I would also recommend using the "mintupgrade" tool, as suggested by the
Mint team at

A long shot, but did you happen to have the 32-bit version of Linux Mint
19.3 installed?


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