Hi Clive,

> I tried to follow the last set, and failed (later found I'd made a
> spelling mistake!!).

That's where pasting the suggested commands instead of typing them
helps.  :-)

> After many attempts to upgrade I've come to the conclusion that the
> upgrade DVD is faulty, as that always failed.

There's two possible points of failure.

- A download error.  https://www.linuxmint.com/edition.php?id=281 says

    Authenticity        Don't forget to verify your ISO

and links to a page with instructions to check every byte of the
downloaded *.iso file is correct.

- An error copying it onto the bootable media.  Didn't common distros
  add some option soon after the media boots to check the rest of the
  media, e.g. read the DVD all the way through to the end of the image?
  Does anyone here know?  I haven't booted installation media in years.
  I'd expect Mint to have it as a descendant of Debian.

Cheers, Ralph.

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