I have noticed that there is always something breaking within any distro.
Why don’t you all just create your own and be done with all those that say.. 
read the fucking manual
On 5 Sep 2020, 13:13 +0100, Ralph Corderoy <ra...@inputplus.co.uk>, wrote:
> Hi Clive,
> > ...as the laptop has 4 partitions:
> > sda1=OS (Mint) system files
> > sda2=swop
> > sda3=Home
> > sda4=odds area
> ...
> > From a 'live disk' would like to copy sda3 to another disk (USB 160Gb
> > with 2 partitions - sdb1=NTFS and sdb2= Ext4 140Gb)
> /dev/sda3 was about 286G big, with 102 GiB used, so the contents should
> fit in that 140 Gb USB.
> > How can I copy sda3 to sdb2 using a 'live disk' conserving all
> > properties.
> I don't know of a GUI program so command-line it is!
> Before we start, it's worth making sure the USB drive is plugged into
> the fastest USB port, if you have more than one and they're different
> speeds. This is normally coloured blue.
> The live disk might have automatically mounted the sda3 and sdb2
> devices. To ensure they're not mounted run
> sudo umount /dev/sda3 /dev/sdb2
> Now we're going to mount them where we want them to appear.
> Make a temporary directory to work in, and change the working directory
> to it.
> mkdir /tmp/disk-copy
> cd /tmp/disk-copy
> Make two directories, one for each of the filesystems we want to mount.
> mkdir source destination
> Mount the filesystems onto those directories. Make sure you get them
> the right way around!
> sudo mount -o ro /dev/sda3 source
> sudo mount /dev/sdb2 destination
> A peek inside should show recognisable contents.
> ls source destination
> Now copy the contents of the source directory into the destination
> directory. The trailing slash on each of those directory names is
> vital. (This is the rsync(1) program which Andrew mentioned.)
> sudo env RSYNC_ICONV=- rsync -PacivHAXxSsy source/ destination/
> This will take a long time. It will print how it's going which may slow
> things down a little more, but the USB will probably be the bottleneck
> and I'm assuming you'd like the reassurrance it's doing something.
> That's assuming you want source/clive copied to destination/clive. If
> you want it in a subdirectory on destination then ensure it exists and
> alter the rsync command's destination argument.
> mkdir destination/home-2020-09-05
> sudo env RSYNC_ICONV=- rsync -PacivHAXxSsy source/ 
> destination/home-2020-09-05/
> Again, note the trailing slash!
> Now, when the rsync finishes a copy should exist. But USB disk
> interfaces can be contrary so I recommend double-checking by unmounting
> the destination so Linux forgets all about its contents.
> sudo umount destination
> Unplugging the USB drive, presumably cutting its power supply.
> Plugging it back in again, then mounting it,
> sudo mount /dev/sdb2 destination
> and then running the exact same copy command, whatever you ended up
> with, a second time. Note, the cursor up and down keys move through
> your recent history of shell commands to save typing it all again.
> sudo env RSYNC_ICONV=- rsync -PacivHAXxSsy source/ destination/
> It won't take so long this time because reading is quicker than writing
> and it will see the destination already has each file which it will read
> all the way through generating a checksum as it goes which it then
> compares to the source file's checksum. The checksums should match if
> it's a good copy so it won't print anything for this file and move onto
> the next.
> If the checksums differ then it will print a line as it updates the
> copy. So after a long time of hopefully not printing anything, as that
> shows the first copy was good, it will finish with a couple of summary
> lines.
> You can then unmount both devices.
> sudo umount source destination
> Haven't tried any of that so if it deviates from what you expect then
> probably best to halt and ask the list. You may want to save bits of
> text from the live disk. A ‘pastebin’ is handy.
> https://pastebin.centos.org/ is one example. Just paste your text into
> the big box on the form, and bump the ‘Delete After’ up to ‘1 Day’ so
> you've time to make use of it. On submitting the form it gives you a
> URL like https://paste.centos.org/view/6de8067c which can be noted down
> and re-entered on a different system to retrieve the text.
> You could paste the text of this email into it so you can copy-and-paste
> out of the pastebin when booted from the live disk to replace the chance
> of typos with pasteoes. :-)
> --
> Cheers, Ralph.
> --
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