Hello again Hamish,

> > Any thoughts about diagnosing storage unmounting with no explanation
> > is dmesg?  This seems rather strange to me.  I'm using a powered hub
> > too now, in case I forgot to mention.

Is it enough power?

> > Other volumes on the same external disk stay mounted.
> - How does the filesystem which keeps unmounting differ from the other
>   ones on that disk which don't?
> - What's that filesystem used for?
> - Does ‘sudo lsof /dev/sda1’, adjusted as appropriate, show surprising
>   programs using that filesystem?
> - Is it possible it is deliberately unmounted from userspace due to some
>   forgotten or erroneous program?
>     - If the mount-point is altered, does the problem continue?
>       This may be impractical to test.
> - Have you fun a *forced* fsck on the unmounted filesystem?


> - Have you read every byte of the block device?
>     - Does putting it under stress in this manner make an unmount more
>       likely?

Cheers, Ralph.

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