
I'm sure that many of you will remember that back in 2016/17 I produced a 
program to play organ music in the Nave of the Model Minster at Wimborne Model 
Town.  With a lot of help from members of this list, I used mpg321 to play 
music in directories using code running on a Pi 3 with a USB / Audio 
Converter.  (The standard output at the Jack played the chimes in the tower.)  
Here is snippet of the original code to illustrate what I did and what I want 
to replicate:

mpg321 -l -m -a hw:1,0 <List of files derived from the directories>

The list of files was produced using glob and command was invoked using 
subprocess.Popen(args) with the args built up in earlier lines.  It worked 
extremely well except that the audio quality was awful.  This Winter I have 
been re-engineering the Minster hardware to use an Arduino 3 W Stereo Bonnet 
 which produces excellent audio. A second Pi and Bonnet will 
produce the chimes.

The problem is that the original code (without the 'hw:1,0') produces the 
following error:

ALSA lib pcm.c:2565:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM cards.pcm.front

although the music seems to play OK.

I could of course ignore that error since it seems to have no effect, but I am 
reluctant to do that because a future WMT Volunteer may well waste time trying 
to find out the cause (and with my memory that could be me).

Does anyone know how to diagnose this.  I've Googled the error (and snippets 
of the error) but have been unable to shed any light on the problem.

Part 2 of this description will detail an Issue that arose when I tried to use 
mpg123 instead of mpg321 (since that is what is recommended).


                Terry Coles

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