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Hi All

Yesterday my wife started her PC and got a warning notice saying there was on 1GiB on space left on the 'root' partition.
Checking today the following was reported:-

sda1  Ext4 / size - 24.5GiB,  Used - 22.7GiB (93%)  Free - 1.71GiB (7%).

There is plenty of space for the /Home  partition but no space on sda1 and I can't extend it. I checked with the disk analyser tool and it showed that the 'var' file has used most of the space; it's full of Flatpack folders.   All the other folders look OK. I remember seeing a tool that can 'clean' folder/discs but can't find it now.  Thought it may be the temp folder fill up the space but that looks OK. Can't work out what has happened to fill the 'root' folder, no extra software installed and last time I looked it was only about 50% full.

If I don't do something soon then the PC will lock up And she will do her 'nut' (doesn't like computers  that go wrong!)

What's happening please and can I recover the space.  All above by using a GUI desktop, Mint 19.2 Cinnamon.
C A Wills
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