Hi Peter,

> > > How about browsing into var, going to each folder and manually
> > > deleting all the .gz files, which are backups of log files It
> > > might be a 'sudo rm *.gz'
> > >
> > > Wow, it just worked for me, got rid of about 35 files from the
> > > var/backups directory, and var/log/apt
> > That was  bit of fun, had quite a clearout. Surprising the number of
> > empty directories. It goes against my sense of tidyness.  ps to
> > remove empty directories it is 'rmdir'

It's a bad idea to remove files or directories without knowing what they
are and that it is okay.  Some *.gz under /var will be compressed log
files and they can be deleted without harm, but that might not be true
of all of them.

And as for empty directories, the directory may have been created when
the package was installed thus the programs expect it to be present.
Perhaps it has some files whilst the program is running, for example.
Despite seeming untidy, they're best left well alone.  :-)

Running ‘sudo debsums -s’ will compare what's on disk to what the
package manager thinks should be on disk based on MD5 digests, etc.

Cheers, Ralph.

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