Hi Peter

Copying this to the DLUG as things are getting 'tight'  not found any reason for what's happening especially as I increased the partition by 2Gb - see below.

Lily has just looked at her emails and an authorisation box came up asking for' My' password, not hers!  She was not looking at anything else!  See  * below


Looked at /var and it's full of 234 Flatpak folders like:

/flatpac-cache-DD80WO  with a file repro-GtuRFp-lock./
 no .gz files.

Don't know if I can delete these files without causing problems as some showed .config files but the one I looked at was only 5 commands lines with nothing indicating a location or a run file.

/var appears to hold11.3GB  but that changed to 15.9 after looking around the file system a bit.
*  I checked the /var and it's gone up to 19+3Gb

Found a live disk of 'Rescatux' ran that and one option was to check file system and repair but that came back as 'Failed'.  Nothing else appeared to do much on the file system /  most was to do with boot & UEFI problems.

Checked:   /etc.  =  8.9MB of data
                   /usr = 5GB
                   /sys = 617.4MB
                   /tmp = 73Kb

Just checked how full the file system partition is and it's showing only 334Mb free!!!!  That's after I extend it by 2GB by reducing the 'Swop' partitin.

Really don't know what to try next and don't know why Lily was asked for 'My' password; there must be a file running in the background needing 'Root' authority but she was in her 'home' folder not mine!

C A Wills

On 28/01/2021 12:10, PeterMerchant wrote:
That was  bit of fun, had quite a clearout. Surprising the number of empty directories. It goes against my sense of tidyness.
ps to remove empty directories it is 'rmdir'

Good luck

On 28/01/2021 11:59, PeterMerchant wrote:
How about browsing into var, going to each folder and manually deleting all the .gz files, which are backups of log files
It might be a 'sudo rm *.gz'

Wow, it just worked for me, got rid of about 35 files from the var/backups directory, and var/log/apt


On 28/01/2021 08:43, C Wills wrote:
That looks a good bet but there's not enough room left to add the program to the PC.  I'll look at my back issues of LXF discs to see if I've got it on a live disc; if so I'll try it. As I said before I don't understand how the partition has got so full, no additional programs have been added for at least a year if not longer.  So why has the partition filled up.  I'm careful to ensure there's a good spare space when installing and keep 'root' and 'home' on different partitions.

C A Wills

On 27/01/2021 19:56, PeterMerchant wrote:
Perhaps try Bleachbit?
On 27/01/2021 14:37, C Wills wrote:
Sorry the original copy was sent from another email address which is not authorised by DLUG system.  Sending from the correct address, hope you don't get it twice!!

Hi All

Yesterday my wife started her PC and got a warning notice saying there was on 1GiB on space left on the 'root' partition.
Checking today the following was reported:-

sda1  Ext4 / size - 24.5GiB,  Used - 22.7GiB (93%)  Free - 1.71GiB (7%).

There is plenty of space for the /Home  partition but no space on sda1 and I can't extend it. I checked with the disk analyser tool and it showed that the 'var' file has used most of the space; it's full of Flatpack folders. All the other folders look OK. I remember seeing a tool that can 'clean' folder/discs but can't find it now.  Thought it may be the temp folder fill up the space but that looks OK. Can't work out what has happened to fill the 'root' folder, no extra software installed and last time I looked it was only about 50% full.

If I don't do something soon then the PC will lock up And she will do her 'nut' (doesn't like computers  that go wrong!)

What's happening please and can I recover the space.  All above by using a GUI desktop, Mint 19.2 Cinnamon.

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