Hi Ralph

Will try those commands out as have not yet deleted those folders but have copied them into my /home folder, so if all fails I've got a backup copy. That sound exactly what I thought was happening!  The Flatpak system must have been bought in on one of the upgrades as I'm not sure I have knowingly installed Flatpaks.

At the moment I'm setting up an old laptop for an old friend who's laptop went U/S at the start of lockdown.  He's house bound and both he and his wife have serious health problems. They have not been able to go to Church for 18 months+ and used to watch via the Web (St Johns Wimborne stream live Service).

Will update you when done.  Many thanks for all who have given advice, much appreciated.

C A Wills

On 30/01/2021 07:18, Ralph Corderoy wrote:
Hi Clive,

The tmp folder has 11.3GB of data
and all Flatpack....... folders.
Flatpak has a bug.  Well, one so severe I'd argue it's not fit for
purpose.  It gradually fills /var/tmp.  Probably a bit more on every
boot so if it's a machine which gets booted a lot then it will fill up
more quickly.

As I understand it, a /run/user symlink points the current
/var/tmp/flatpak-cache-* directory but /run is lost, by design, when the
machine stops so when it starts up again a new cache directory is
created and the symlink remade.

The problem with deleting all of those /var/tmp/flatpak-cache-*
directories is that a few of them may be in use at the time.  I don't
have a good suggestion for determining which ones because I don't have
access to a system with Flatpak in use so the best thing I can suggest
is to quit most programs, e.g. LibreOffice and Firefox, then delete the
Flatpak caches, and then reboot so if anything was upset by the deletion
it won't have had long to stay confused.

This will do the delete.

     cd /var/tmp &&
     sudo find -maxdepth 1 -name 'flatpak-cache-*' -exec rm -rf {} +

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