On Friday, 4 June 2021 11:57:12 BST Patrick Wigmore wrote:
> I don't really use Chromium, but I just tested saving a password and,
> sure enough, it did not appear in KWalletManager, but it did appear in
> Chromium's Settings and persists after restarting the browser. This is
> in Chromium 90.0.4430.72.

I am using Chromium 91.0.4472.77 and it a snap installation.

> In my case, I found the plain-text URL and username for the saved
> login stored in:
>     ~/.config/chromium/Profile 4/Login Data

I was unable to find that directory or the one mentioned by the Mac user that 
you referred to.

> On recent Ubuntus, I think Chromium is a 'Snap', so that might mean
> the profile is stored somewhere else on those.

Unless someone else has the same problem, I'm left with two choices; post a 
bug on Launchpad or abandon Chromium.

I have no objection to posting the bug, but since Kubuntu 21.04 has been 
released nearly six weeks and no-one else seems to be having the problem, I 
suspect the problem is something to do with my installation.  If I'm the only 
person on the planet with this problem, then I doubt my bug report will get 
much attention (that has been my experience in the past).

I may well have to return to Firefox as my default browser (it still remembers 
passwords stored earlier).


                Terry Coles

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