Hi Terry,

> However, before I could complete that, the system shut itself down.  

That's surprising.  Did it look like an orderly shutdown or did the
power just cut?  My only guess at a cause is overheating though I'd
normally expect that to just cause the CPU to be throttled in speed.
Is this a laptop on a hot lap or something with adequate cooling?

> Normally, I have found that restarting the system brought it back after 
> a bit of disc checking within the boot process

Is that ‘normally’ because the system has shut itself down before?

> my wired connection seems to have lost its configuration.

Has the machine booted such that it understands there is a wired network
interface, i.e. it has loaded the drivers?  ‘ip l’ should like the known
network ‘links’, i.e. interfaces.  ‘ip a’ will show any addresses
assigned to them.

A wired network interface can be configured at the command line but that
may be a bit long winded.

Cheers, Ralph.

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