Charles Marcus wrote:
> On 5/14/2008, Peter Eriksson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>>> Also, output of dovecot -n, and more platform details (ie, are you using
>>> NFS?) will make it easier for someone (else) to help...
>> NFS: Yes.
> Ok, then dovecot -n output may be necessary... there are some issues
> with NFS on the 1.0.x versions that are supposedly fixed properly in 1.1...
> Timo has said more than once that if you are using NFS, then you really
> should be using 1.1

Yes, I know. I just haven't had time to try out the 1.1 series yet.

I hope the performance is better since 1.0's performance (on our system)
is really bad (so bad that some of my users have been complaining since
it feels more sluggish than the older UW-Imap-based system (which
granted had it mail spool on local disks). Another thing I'm thinking
about is going back to have the mail spool on local disks but I'd rather
avoid that if I can.

- Peter

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