On May 20, 2008, at 10:53 PM, Peter Eriksson wrote:

It's always the same user causing these "Out of memory" errors (unlikely since this machine has 8GB of RAM and XXGB of swap and typically has plenty of memory free. His maildir directory is 1.4GB in size.

Hmm... He seems to have a *huge* Trash folder... About 3.5 _milllion_ mails in it... I wonder...

I bet his imap process runs into a system limit (even though it is a 64 bit process). Yeah...

mail_process_size setting limits this to 256 MB by default. You could increase it or drop it completely. It's there mainly to catch memory leaks and such because users rarely reach this limit.

Question: Should Dovecot handle this better somehow?

Perhaps the error message could mention mail_process_size setting. :)

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