Kyle Wheeler wrote:
On Wednesday, June 11 at 05:01 PM, quoth Hugo Monteiro:
Have you tried the plugin using the mailtrain backend?

The antispam plugin? No, I haven't... mostly because it looks like no matter which backend I use, I'd have to alter the user-visible interface to my training system (which I don't really want to do), and it still doesn't handle the "altered message" problem.

Basically it will forward the message, as attachment, to spam/notspam addresses that you define. That includes the use of a %u variable expansion, if you choose to use retrain addresses like like [EMAIL PROTECTED] or something. I've been pretty happy with with it and it scales a lot better than piping the message into a retrain command, since the mail system itself will handle the load in a more intelligent way.

Hmmm, load is something I hadn't thought about... (the system I'm working with at the moment has plenty of capacity to spare). That's a good point.

However, one of the goals here is to make it so that if a user identifies a message that has been mistakenly tagged as spam (and "sanitized" by SpamAssassin, e.g. via the "report_safe" setting), they can get the message corrected (and back to its original form) immediately. As it is, they have to put it into the NotSpam folder and wait a couple minutes for the message to reappear in the INBOX (because the cron job only runs every so often).


No need to reply to the other message regarding the "why". ;)

Has for what you're saying .. maybe it could be possible to extend the plugin to remove/add headers.. Though i have no idea on the impact that would have on IMAP clients...


Hugo Monteiro.

-- cat .signature

Hugo Monteiro
Telefone : +351 212948300 Ext.15307

Centro de Informática
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da
                   Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Quinta da Torre   2829-516 Caparica   Portugal
Telefone: +351 212948596   Fax: +351 212948548             [EMAIL PROTECTED] _

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