On Sun, Jul 18, 2010 at 12:06 PM, Timo Sirainen <t...@iki.fi> wrote:
> On 18.7.2010, at 19.57, Brandon Lamb wrote:
>> 2010-07-18 11:51:08 1OaYOJ-0003Vn-2P == bran...@olypen.com
>> R=router_pop T=dovecot_deliver defer (2): No such file or directory:
>> failed to chdir to maildir:~/maildir:INDEX=~/maildir/dovecot-index
> ..
>> command = /usr/local/libexec/dovecot/ -e -k -f "$sender_address" -d
>> "$local_p...@$domain" -m "$acl_m1"
> Why are you giving -k parameter?

I dont remember, its something I had entered at some point long ago,
i'll remove it

>> I am returning a home and mail with userdb, the directory does exist,
>> owned by mail.mail... Im stumped
> It looks like you're returning 
> "maildir:~/maildir:INDEX=~/maildir/dovecot-index" as the home directory.

I know that was my thought too! But below are the fields in mysql, and
there are also no logs being entered to give me hints at what might be
wrong. It isnt logging to debug, but it DOES if I run the dovecot-lda
from the command line??

home: /mail/mail2/b/olypen.com/brandon
maildir: maildir:~/maildir:INDEX=~/maildir/dovecot-index

and dovecot-sql.conf-ext
# Password query
password_query = SELECT 8 AS userdb_uid, \
8 AS userdb_gid, \
password, \
CONCAT(username, '@', domain) AS user, \
mail_pop.home AS userdb_home, \
mail_pop.maildir AS userdb_mail, \
CONCAT('*:storage=', quota, 'M') AS quota_rule, \
'~/dovecot.sieve' AS userdb_sieve \
FROM `auth` LEFT JOIN (mail_pop) ON (mail_pop.user_id = auth.user_id)
WHERE username = '%n' AND domain = '%d' AND mail_pop.status =
'enabled' LIMIT 1

# User query
user_query = SELECT mail_pop.home AS home, \
mail_pop.maildir AS mail, \
8 AS uid, \
8 AS gid, \
CONCAT('*:storage=', quota, 'M') AS quota_rule, \
'~/dovecot.sieve' AS sieve \
FROM `auth` LEFT JOIN (mail_pop) ON (mail_pop.user_id = auth.user_id)
WHERE username = '%n' AND domain = '%d' AND mail_pop.status =
'enabled' LIMIT 1

And the directory:
server:/mail/mail2/b/olypen.com/brandon# ls -al
total 8
drwxrwx---  4 mail mail   32 Jul 18 00:54 .
drwxrwx---  3 mail mail   20 Jul 18 00:53 ..
drwxrwx--- 27 mail mail 4096 Jul 18 11:22 maildir
drwx-w----  4 mail mail 4096 Jul 18 01:20 mdbox

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