On Sun, Jul 18, 2010 at 1:02 PM, Timo Sirainen <t...@iki.fi> wrote:
> On 18.7.2010, at 19.57, Brandon Lamb wrote:
>> In my exim log i just see these
>> 2010-07-18 11:51:08 1OaYOJ-0003Vn-2P == bran...@olypen.com
>> R=router_pop T=dovecot_deliver defer (2): No such file or directory:
>> failed to chdir to maildir:~/maildir:INDEX=~/maildir/dovecot-index
> Actually, there is no such error message in Dovecot code. It's exim that logs 
> this error..

Right but that means exim is talking to dovecot-lda because it is
getting the maildir:~/maildir value, no way exim could no that unless
dovecot told it. So then there SHOULD be a log in debug or deliver
from lda if exim got that showing *something* right?

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