On Sun, Jul 18, 2010 at 12:13 PM, Brandon Lamb <brandonl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 18, 2010 at 12:06 PM, Timo Sirainen <t...@iki.fi> wrote:
>> On 18.7.2010, at 19.57, Brandon Lamb wrote:
>>> 2010-07-18 11:51:08 1OaYOJ-0003Vn-2P == bran...@olypen.com
>>> R=router_pop T=dovecot_deliver defer (2): No such file or directory:
>>> failed to chdir to maildir:~/maildir:INDEX=~/maildir/dovecot-index
>> ..
>>> command = /usr/local/libexec/dovecot/ -e -k -f "$sender_address" -d
>>> "$local_p...@$domain" -m "$acl_m1"
>> Why are you giving -k parameter?
> I dont remember, its something I had entered at some point long ago,
> i'll remove it
>>> I am returning a home and mail with userdb, the directory does exist,
>>> owned by mail.mail... Im stumped
>> It looks like you're returning 
>> "maildir:~/maildir:INDEX=~/maildir/dovecot-index" as the home directory.
> I know that was my thought too! But below are the fields in mysql, and
> there are also no logs being entered to give me hints at what might be
> wrong. It isnt logging to debug, but it DOES if I run the dovecot-lda
> from the command line??
> home: /mail/mail2/b/olypen.com/brandon
> maildir: maildir:~/maildir:INDEX=~/maildir/dovecot-index
> and dovecot-sql.conf-ext
> # Password query
> password_query = SELECT 8 AS userdb_uid, \
> 8 AS userdb_gid, \
> password, \
> CONCAT(username, '@', domain) AS user, \
> mail_pop.home AS userdb_home, \
> mail_pop.maildir AS userdb_mail, \
> CONCAT('*:storage=', quota, 'M') AS quota_rule, \
> '~/dovecot.sieve' AS userdb_sieve \
> FROM `auth` LEFT JOIN (mail_pop) ON (mail_pop.user_id = auth.user_id)
> WHERE username = '%n' AND domain = '%d' AND mail_pop.status =
> 'enabled' LIMIT 1
> # User query
> user_query = SELECT mail_pop.home AS home, \
> mail_pop.maildir AS mail, \
> 8 AS uid, \
> 8 AS gid, \
> CONCAT('*:storage=', quota, 'M') AS quota_rule, \
> '~/dovecot.sieve' AS sieve \
> FROM `auth` LEFT JOIN (mail_pop) ON (mail_pop.user_id = auth.user_id)
> WHERE username = '%n' AND domain = '%d' AND mail_pop.status =
> 'enabled' LIMIT 1
> And the directory:
> server:/mail/mail2/b/olypen.com/brandon# ls -al
> total 8
> drwxrwx---  4 mail mail   32 Jul 18 00:54 .
> drwxrwx---  3 mail mail   20 Jul 18 00:53 ..
> drwxrwx--- 27 mail mail 4096 Jul 18 11:22 maildir
> drwx-w----  4 mail mail 4096 Jul 18 01:20 mdbox

I also just now tried changing the maildir field to absolute paths and
now I still get :

No such file or directory: failed to chdir to

And still nothing in dovecot's logs showing that exim even talked to it..

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