On Sat, 19 May 2012 11:36:24 +1000
Noel Butler articulated:

>non-event? You wouldnt be saying that if certain other operators with
>their products did that. I've seen you bitch and whinge about far far
>far less over the years Jerry.

Hell I bitch about a lot of things; however, that does not change the
facts of the case. Only a subset of this list received the message in
question -- and I was not one of them. Secondly, The FreeBSD forum is
constantly under siege from spammers because the operators of that
forum are to stupid/lazy/naive(place your adjective here) to require at
a minimum that posters be registered to the list. I wish I had the
problems there that you are complaining about here.

Now, correct me if I am wrong, but wasn't Timo aware of this message
being sent? And, isn't this list controlled by Timo? Ipso facto,
doesn't that give him the right to do pretty much what he wants with
the list?

In any case, this whole thread is starting to remind me of my wife,
bitching over nothing that happened months ago.

Jerry ♔

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