On Sat, 2012-05-19 at 08:25 -0400, Jerry wrote:

> Hell I bitch about a lot of things; however, that does not change the
> facts of the case. Only a subset of this list received the message in
> question -

Likely to see how many people bitched before the rest

> - and I was not one of them. Secondly, The FreeBSD forum is
> constantly under siege from spammers because the operators of that
> forum are to stupid/lazy/naive(place your adjective here) to require at

Well, that's to "a list", where you subbed to received anything from
"the list", personally I wouldn't be on any list that had no opt-in

> Now, correct me if I am wrong, but wasn't Timo aware of this message
> being sent? And, isn't this list controlled by Timo? Ipso facto,
> doesn't that give him the right to do pretty much what he wants with
> the list?

Again, to "the list", certainly NOT by targeting list members
individually "off-list" and direct, especially when there is no prior
granted authority to do so.

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