----- Original Message -----

> From: Ed W <li...@wildgooses.com>
> To: dovecot@dovecot.org
> Cc: 
> Sent: Monday, 24 September 2012, 21:55
> Subject: Re: [Dovecot] 76Gb to 146Gb
> On 24/09/2012 19:07, Ed W wrote:
>>  This is one of those questions which is almost too easy if you are familiar 
> with Linux.  Trying not to sound like a d*ck, but is it an option to rent 
> someone to help with admin jobs?  For example, were it me then I would 
> probably 
> have setup some partitioning scheme with separate partitions for data and 
> operating system? Possibly also using LVM?
> That came out wrong...  What I meant to say was something more like "if you 
> were to employ someone locally they would probably give you a whole bunch of 
> ideas on how you could adjust the setup of the server to be more future 
> proof.  
> It would be worth working with someone just to get that right.  For example, 
> here are some ideas that occur to me that you could use ..."
> Sorry, should re-read my words before hitting send
> Ed


Don't worry about it. I wasn't offended.
I have a lot of experience with linux but not on heavy metal servers.
I used to have plenty of experience back in the G2/ G3 era (I was
also ACE in the Compaq years) but that was back in the time that
Compaq was only supporting Windows OSs and SCO.

Also the problem is that I don't have the time to "play" with a
spare HP/Compaq server ( I have a couple laying around btw).
I'll get round to it at some point.

I am just asking you chaps because I am sure people out there had
the chance to tinker with newer and better equipment.

Thank you for your reply,

Best Regards,


"I merely function as a channel that filters 
music through the chaos of noise"
- Vangelis

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