Spyros Tsiolis skrev den 24-09-2012 20:42:

Having said that, would it be possible to take
away on 72Gb drive (say Drive1 the second drive)
and shove in one of the two 146Gb ones ?

this can be done yes, but you will have to do more steps :)

first step, remove one drive
add the 146 drive

wait it for rebuildin

when done, remove the last small drive
add the last 146 drive

wait for it to rebuild

now at this stage you have 72g more unused room for new partions

make this new partion /home

and after its being created, move the user data to it, but this leves 72g system partion with just few gigs needed ?, then i would create the new partion as lwm2, and then possible shrink system, and mount the lwm2 as /home, that way you have more options later if 146 will be to small again

warn i have not doing this myself, but if should work in teori atleast

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