
Sounds like you have bigger problems, as you appear to have no disaster
recovery processes, since your using a standalone server, as recommended
to you earlier by Robert,  rsync is your friend, and not just now, but
daily :) setup a rolling 7 day rsync archive (sata disks are big, cheap
and good enough for backups), and dont just rsync the same stuff to the
same place every night, thats no good if an error occurs and wipes out
your mail, coz rsync will only see it gone, and clean it out of your

So long as RedHat have patched dovecot for bugs and still does, 1.2.16
would still be fine, dovecot-1.2.17 is latest 1.2.x series   but IIRC no
longer supported, but thats fine, there are a lot, and I mean, a LOT of
companies and ISP's running that version, moving to 2.x was never going
to happen with new releases coming every week or so at one stage, and as
2.1.x doesn't now have nearly as regular updates, I recently myself
consider 2.1 finally to be mature enough to put on production servers,
which I will likely do around Christmas when its quiet.

Lastly, never ever ever rely on your users to have a copy of their mail
as a recovery method, it wont work, some will fsck it up, some wont
bother, and you will be blamed for not having redundancy inplace.

On Mon, 2012-09-24 at 20:24 +0100, Spyros Tsiolis wrote:

> ----- Original Message -----
> > From: Robert Schetterer <rob...@schetterer.org>
> > To: dovecot@dovecot.org
> > Cc: 
> > Sent: Monday, 24 September 2012, 21:06
> > Subject: Re: [Dovecot] 76Gb to 146Gb
> > 
> > Am 24.09.2012 19:42, schrieb Spyros Tsiolis:
> >>  Hello all,
> >> 
> > ----%<----%<----%<----%<----%<----%<----%<----%<----
> > 
> > rsync
> > should do the job
> > 
> > depending on your whole machine setup it might only be only
> > umount old /home and mount new(bigger) /home after sync
> > ,perhaps with tmp store elsewhere
> > ( for sure you have to have a plan before doing..)
> > 
> > but your dovecot is very outdated, i would recommend
> > get up to new hard and software/os install, and then migrate
> > to new machine
> > 
> >

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