
Also i edited the password_query (i use userdb prefetch)

password_query = SELECT `inbox` as `user`, `password`, `home` as userdb_home, `uid` AS userdb_uid, `gid` AS userdb_gid, userdb_import as userdb_userdb_import FROM `mail_users` WHERE `login` = '%u' AND `active`='Y'

This results in no error but also no effect. Verbose logging did show a line like this:

Mar 25 13:16:49 myhostname dovecot: auth: Debug: master out: USER 3613786113 myuser home=/home/myuser uid=1004 gid=1000

Looks not really bad, but is not working.
What did i wrong? I would like to get this work to have a plan B.

See if it works without userdb prefetch? Possibly a bug..

Unfortunately not. I edited the sql.conf to:

password_query = SELECT `inbox` as `username`, `password`, FROM `mail_users` WHERE `login` = '%u' AND `active`='Y' user_query =SELECT `inbox` as `user`, `password`, `home`, `uid`, `gid` , userdb_import FROM `mail_users` WHERE `login` = '%u' AND `active`='Y'

Maillog says:

Mar 25 14:59:53 myhostname dovecot: auth-worker(16079): Debug: sql(myusername,ip.ip.ip.ip): SELECT `inbox` as `user`, `password`, `home`, `uid`, `gid` , userdb_import FROM `mail_users` WHERE `login` = 'myusername' AND `active`='Y' Mar 25 14:59:53 myhostname dovecot: auth: Debug: master out: USER 778960897 myusername password=<hidden> home=/home/myusername uid=1004 gid=1000 namespace/inbox/hallohallo/auto=subscribe namespace/inbox/hallohallo/special_use=\Sent

looks correct, login and reading mail works, but there is no folder autcreated etc. dovecot is 2.1.7


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