
the autocreate works if mailbox hallohallo is basically created in conf file with special_use purpose:

namespace inbox {
 inbox = yes

namespace inbox {

 mailbox hallohallo {
 special_use = \Sent


userdb_import: namespace/inbox/mailbox=hallohallo namespace/inbox/mailbox/hallohallo/auto=subscribe

In this case the settings from userdb_import override this part of conffile and folder hallohallo is autocreated and accepted by outlook 2013. (works only without prefetch)
but my goal is to put also the special_use purpose per user to userdb.
i reduced conf file to:

namespace inbox {
 inbox = yes

now i extended userdb_import to:

namespace/inbox/mailbox=hallohallo namespace/inbox/mailbox/hallohallo/special_use=\Sent namespace/inbox/mailbox/hallohallo/auto=subscribe

so this seems to be the end of the attempt to move special_use features 100% to userdb. i have to mark a folder with special_use feature directly in conf-file and are only able to control the autocreation of this folder in userdb_import If i move all (like above) all 3 lines to userdb, then nothing good happens, sometimes outlook 2013 even crashes...

so, do i have any other chances?


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