Am 25.03.2013 14:36, schrieb Hajo Locke:
> Hello,
>> if your brave you may try , no idea if that might work
> thanks, the MFCMAPI way is working, but i'm afraid that only experienced
> users will have success.

however you are "the man" who tried it, thx

> i think about of moving all the special_folders stuff to userdb and let
> every user decide on its own.
> 2 reasons.

your choice, i would not use outlook at all,
its simply not a good internet mail client
in fact it is the client of exchange.

Alternative imternet mail clients are "good enough" now,
if sombody likes outlook he better should use it with exchange

> 1: outlook 2013 and may be other clients only work correct if
> special_folders on server are autocreated (auto=subscribe). Even when
> adding the special_folders later manually, outlook 2013 would not use
> them for current account. 

yes, you need to setup new profile then, thats how outlook 2013 works

i had to delete and recreate the account to
> get it work again. autocreate and subscription seems to be really
> needed. This folders may be annoying for users who dont use a
> "special_folders client".

not to my knowledge, most users are on thunderbird, apple mail , k9 etc
since yet ,nobody phoned me here *g, after all, most imap clients without
"special folders features" still autocreate their meaning of special
folder via imap auto by itselves, and that will stay that way until
everyone has upgraded to clients with "special folders features" so this
means perhaps never *g

> 2. if microsoft has choosen to not map local folders to serverfolders, i
> expect a lot of support effort to explain why folder names are like
> this. even if i decide to use german names on server, there will be
> complains by other users who wants to have there own preferred foldernames.

Microsoft has choosen to earn money with cloud services
and on exchange, the have no prime interest in imap

however outlook 2013 does active sync too, as anounced
new horde webmail will be full compatible to outlook 2013 active sync
version, so for one account minimum you will have  mail , kalendar,
abook, notes etc in sync , no need for direct imap in outlook 2013 then

> moving all this to a userdb lookup is really not in the purpose of rfc
> 6154, but seems to be for me the best compromise.
> i dont know which way i will go, but already tried the userdb-thing.
> without suceess.
> I want to know if this will work from pure technical side and deside
> later to use or to discard this possibility.
> A good way to do this seems to be the userdb_import field:
> i reduced the special_folders part in conf file to:
> namespace inbox {
>  inbox = yes
> }
> then i added text-field to my MySQL Table mail_users and inserted a text
> like this:
> namespace/inbox/hallohallo/auto=subscribe<TAB>namespace/inbox/hallohallo/special_use=\Sent
> Also i edited the password_query (i use userdb prefetch)
> password_query = SELECT `inbox` as `user`, `password`, `home` as
> userdb_home, `uid` AS userdb_uid, `gid` AS userdb_gid, userdb_import as
> userdb_userdb_import FROM `mail_users` WHERE `login` = '%u' AND
> `active`='Y'
> This results in no error but also no effect. Verbose logging did show a
> line like this:
> Mar 25 13:16:49 myhostname dovecot: auth: Debug: master out: USER
> 3613786113      myuser        home=/home/myuser     uid=1004       
> gid=1000
> namespace/inbox/hallohallo/auto=subscribe^Atnamespace/inbox/hallohallo/special_use=\Sent
> Looks not really bad, but is not working.
> What did i wrong? I would like to get this work to have a plan B.

as Timo wrote perhaps a bug

> Thanks,
> Hajo

Best Regards
MfG Robert Schetterer

[*] sys4 AG, +49 (89) 30 90 46 64
Franziskanerstraße 15, 81669 München

Sitz der Gesellschaft: München, Amtsgericht München: HRB 199263
Vorstand: Patrick Ben Koetter, Axel von der Ohe, Marc Schiffbauer
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Joerg Heidrich

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