> On 5.4.2013, at 18.19, Max Pyziur <p...@brama.com> wrote:
>> So my question relates to the second part of the configuration examples
>> in the links above:
>> service tcpwrap {
>>  unix_listener login/tcpwrap {
>>    group = $default_login_user
>>    mode = 0600
>>    user = $default_login_user
>>  }
>> }
>> Where does this code get placed (in dovecot.conf or in one of the files
>> in /etc/dovecot/conf.d)?
> Doesn't really matter. I'd put it into conf.d/10-master.conf which has
> other services.
>> And regarding $default_login_user, it appears in a comment line in
>> /etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-master.conf
>> Should that line be uncommented?
> Just leave it uncommented and it'll use the default value (which it has
> been using so far already).

After some delay, I'm returning to this project.

I've made the changes per above.

I've put in a test ip address in /etc/hosts.deny like so:

And then I execute the following from to port 110:
bash-3.2$ telnet SiteWhereImConfiguringDovecot 110
Trying SiteWhereImConfiguringDovecot...
Connected to SiteWhereImConfiguringDovecot.
Escape character is '^]'.
+OK Dovecot ready.
+OK Logging out
Connection closed by foreign host.

If dovecot is configured with tcp wrappers (which it is; built on a CentOS
6 system, installed and configured per instructions),
and the firewall has ports 110 and 143 open,
but I'm blocking a particular host through /etc/hosts.deny
then I should not be able to telnet to either port 110 or 143; both
requests should be blocked from the originating IP, no?

Much thanks for your help,

Max Pyziur

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