On Thu, 11 Apr 2013, lists-dovecot wrote:

[... snip ...]

I've put in a test ip address in /etc/hosts.deny like so:

And then I execute the following from to port 110:
bash-3.2$ telnet SiteWhereImConfiguringDovecot 110
Trying SiteWhereImConfiguringDovecot...
Connected to SiteWhereImConfiguringDovecot.
Escape character is '^]'.
+OK Dovecot ready.
+OK Logging out
Connection closed by foreign host.

If dovecot is configured with tcp wrappers (which it is; built on
a CentOS 6 system, installed and configured per instructions),
and the firewall has ports 110 and 143 open,
but I'm blocking a particular host through /etc/hosts.deny
then I should not be able to telnet to either port 110 or 143; both
requests should be blocked from the originating IP, no?

Much thanks for your help,

Max Pyziur

What are you using as the service name in hosts.deny? I think it
should be "imap-login:", (that's what I have as an
historical/left-over entry) but don't have dovecot configured with
wrappers on my current centos system so can't test this to be
certain. Also make certain that you don't have anything in your
hosts.allow file that would override the hosts.deny entry.

I was using dovecot, until you convinced me to do otherwise.

Putting pop3 in /etc/hosts.deny with the associated ip seems to work, like so:

or imap

(are there any challenges to this?)

Given that services such sendmail and sshd respond to
sshd: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
sendmail: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

I thought that it should be dovecot: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

As a suggestion, can dovecot binaries for distributions such as CentOS and Fedora be compiled with tcp wrappers by default?

  - Richard

Much thanks.


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