On 11/04/2013 06:28 PM, Noel Butler wrote:

Another annoyance was prefixing the newly created mail folders with a '.'

As Charles has already mentioned, thats how Maildir works

I'd modify this to 'the way Maildir wants it'....not necessarily
the way it _must_ work. I suspected the preference, but, again, didn't
have enough time to investigate.

(Some) users requested that their folders be visible, which is what
they were familiar with under mbox. BASH to the rescue and a short
while later....POOF!

Also, Thunderbird is quite happy creating folders without the
preceding '.', which seems to work without incident with the Maildir

...and in case it's not quite obvious by this point, the intricacies
of e-mail storage are not my long suite. I bow to the great authorities.


Mark Moore
UCAR/NCAR/CGD                                   mmo...@ucar.edu
1850 Table Mesa Drive                           (W) 303 497-1338
Boulder, CO 80305                               (F) 303 497-1324

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