At Tue, 5 Nov 2013 08:10:46 +0100 (CET),
Steffen Kaiser wrote:
> >>>>>
> >>
> >> The program has at least 2 bugs in it:
> >>
> >> . If the body has paragraph break (i.e., '\n') followed by the RFC822
> >>   keyword 'From', the original message will loose the last half of
> >>   the message and a phantom message will be created.
> >>
> >>   Change from my notes:
> >>
> >> #           if ( /^From /
> >> #     -to-
> >> #           if ( /^From .*? \d\d:\d\d:\d\d \d\d\d\d/
> >>
> >> . I never could figure out where the second bug was. This one created
> >>   some messages with blank subject lines.
> You have a badly formatted mbox file, if there is such distinction neccessary:

No. There are some variants of mbox format.

> " In  order  to  avoid misinterpretation of lines in message bodies which
>   begin with the four characters "From", followed by a  space  character,
>   the  mail  delivery  agent  must quote any occurrence of "From " at the
>   start of a body line.
> "

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