On Mon, 2013-11-04 at 19:29 +1000, Noel Butler wrote:
> think in postfix   home_mailbox = Maildir/ will do it, with sendmail its 
> much more tricky and your best sticking with mbox, if exim, NFI - dont 

Or - strategically - you use dovecot's LDA which should know where to
throw the mails in.

For sendmail, read http://platyna.platinum.linux.pl/blog/?p=3:
Basically add somewhere in the middle of the /etc/mail/sendmail.mc
(where the other FEATURE() lines are)
----  snip  ----
FEATURE(local_procmail, `/usr/libexec/dovecot/deliver', `deliver -d $u', 
----  snip  ----
and add the end, we do not need the procmail-mailer (as above uses/modifies the 
local mailer)
----  snip  ----
dnl MAILER(procmail)dnl
----  snip  ----

Caveat emptor: It's Fedora/RedHat-world over here and installation from
RPMs. So check the paths;-)

Bernd Petrovitsch                  Email : be...@petrovitsch.priv.at
                     LUGA : http://www.luga.at

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