On 30.04.21 09:20, Arjen de Korte wrote:
> Citeren "@lbutlr" <krem...@kreme.com>:
>> When you enter your email address, it would be TRIVIAL to check the MX
>> records for the domain and fill those in for the SMTP and IMAP
>> servers, allowing users to more easily add (if needed) the domain prefix.
> Rightfully so. There is absolutely no guarantee that the server on the
> inbound (MX) record also handles outbound and/or IMAP. In many cases,
> these will be different systems.

There's no *guarantee* that any *other* guessing or discovery mechanism
that comes built into any general-distribution MUA will be correct, either.

(Says the man who has to seriously beat even current versions of
*Thunderbird* into accepting a manually-entered config and act as a test
tool against the IMAPS servers we purpose-built and run for the
appliances in the field. "How dare you NOT have an SMTP-out server for
this account at all!" etc..)

Jochen Bern

Binect GmbH

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