I could reproduce your problem, I opened an issue:


Apparently, by default all xml files are parsed by the docbook parser (which explains your original stack trace). I don't know the reason for the xml parsing error (could be a hidden special character or an encoding issue), if you attach your file (better the whole project) to the jira above I'll have a look.


Giovanni Pedone wrote:
It is just this:

    <title>Page Title</title>
    <author email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">John Doe</author>
  <title>Page Title</title>
    <section name="bindings">
      ciao ciao gio

And I just run the command:

"mvn doxia:render-books"

If I do use it to "mvn site" it works fine and generates an html file.

-----Original Message-----
From: Lukas Theussl
This is a simple xml parsing error, nothing to do with doxia. Your input
document src\site\xdoc\bindings.xml is not well-formed (is it being
processed by the site plugin?).


[INFO] Error while generating book in format 'pdf'.

Embedded error: Error while parsing document:
only whitespace content allowed before start tag and not t (position:
START_DOCUMENT seen t... @1:1)

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