Hi Tom,
> > Shawn...triple checked this with no firewall, still
> > comes back with Key: undefined..google hardly changed
> > again in the last few hours!
> I just tried it again myself and it's working fine.
> Are you sure you reloaded DQSD (!)?


This is very strange. Apparently it only works if the particular
thread that is being used to 'discover' the key has been attached by
the Google Desktop Engine - IOW, there's no way to force it or
really ensure that it'll work 100% of the time. Use DQSD a *lot* and
it should work, but if you don't, it won't!

Okay. There's another way. For testing and to generate this entire
thing I was using a static HTML file for initially running the code.
Whenever 'that' works the DQSD version starts to work. But in order
to get that to work you have to download the HTML version and run
that separately. This could readily be a PITA for anyone wanting to
use this script.

I've got a couple options, let me know what you think:

1) Add the HTML file to the distribution. Set it somewhere in the
distribution where it can be used via openSearchWindow() so it'll
tel the user what to do when they /discover for the key. The benefit
of this method is that it should work from now to eternity as long
as Google doesn't change the way their code works, and it doesn't
rely on any remote servers being accessible (outside of Google, of

2) Add a link within it to point to the script on my site (
http://reliableanswers.com/x/dqsd/ggd-discover.asp ). If you try
this link with a non-IE browser or a remotely secured IE browser it
will not work, since creating xmlhttp objects dynamically on a
webpage is anything but secure. It *does* provide a download link,
though, so if the code is broken by Google at some point all you'd
need to do is download the latest version from the page and run
that. Mind you XP SP2 users are going to have problems with it, too,
as long as they are running in the limited local sandbox mode. :(

I'm not seeing any good options here, really. I guess I should
provide instructions on how to manually 'discover' the key, too, for
those people that would rather do it themselves.

I guess I could provide a textarea that you could 'drop' the source
of a Google search into and it'll discover the key that way... Yeah,
I'll add that to the web-version.

Anyway, thought/opinions? Let me know.


Shawn K. Hall

'// ========================================================
    Well, to be Frank, I'd have to change my name.

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