Ah, yes. The difference between ordinary code and good code. Thanks for the edits. I don't know if some server will slam me for uploading a batch file, but here is the updated search renaming batch file: (inline because it is not cool to e-mail batch files):

::Removesearches - by Phil Albert (and others) for use with DQSD (www.dqsd.net). ::If you use the help windows built into DQSD to uncheck searches you don't want,
::it will create a file disabledsearches.txt listing the disabled searches.
::This DOS batch file renames each of those disabled searches from .xml files
::to .disabled files (to be compatible with other approaches to this).
::Thanks to Shawn and Kim for improvements to the code.

::Note that the "FOR /F" command is an extended command.  I know not what that
::means, but it is part of my standard XP install, so probably everyone has it.
::This batch file uses the DOS "move" command because "rename" chokes if the
::target already exists, which will be the case the second time it is run.

pushd "%PROGRAMFILES%\Quick Search Deskbar\searches"
FOR /F %%s IN (..\disabledsearches.txt) DO move %%s.xml %%s.disabled

I have also attached updated pat.xml and patno.xml searches. The change is to the URL (the Patent Office was using their numerical IP address, but now uses a proper domain name and the IP address is no longer responsive). I don't know the procedure for submitting changes for approval, so can someone either submit these updated xml files or let me know the process (not only am I too lazy to optimize my code, I am too lazy to look for instructions which are no doubt out there somewhere).

The patno.xml search is not actually needed anymore, since a direct URL is available. This is what my alias looks like for patno:

On Sun, Feb 24, 2008 at 12:43 PM, Shawn K. Hall
> I usually use "pushd" and "popd", which I think are safer for directory
>  switches.

Good call, same here!

- Kim

Phil Albert, full-time patent attorney and philosopher, part-time car thief
ICBMNET: 37 deg, 25', 30" N, 126 deg, 13', 34" W
Voicenet: (415) 576-0200       bizcardnet: Townsend & Townsend & Crew LLP
Internet: almost any name 'at' thealberts.org except for the ones that don't work.

Attachment: patno.xml
Description: XML document

Attachment: pat.xml
Description: XML document

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