Hehe, well I just posted on the nant list about relative paths in
<webmap>. This is the most obvious solution and maybe I'll look at the
nant source for this task and see what I can do.

By the way what script were you referring to? 

Basically the solution file has to converted from
http://localhost/mayapp to "myapp/myapp.vbproj" or whatever then the
proj file changed from web to "local" and I think that is it.

By the way I think webprojects (loaded via http) are history in Whidbey.

-----Original Message-----
From: David Reed [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, July 17, 2004 11:34 AM
Subject: RE: Problems with NAnt.Solution task [was RE: [Draconet-users]
Vault and Draconet?]

> Noooo. I want CI. Damn. Is it possible to just make draco run on a
> single thread to solve this problem?

Not TMK.  I'd be happy to learn otherwise.  You and I are at the foci of
many tangential "feature" collisions in several otherwise well-designed
apps.  ;)  I love Draco and I love NAnt; I even like Visual Studio .NET
2k3 most of the time -- but all together (for web apps), they no workie
so well together.

I would still love to know why those wacky M$ developers decided to add
all these goofy "features" for web apps, when all they really need to be
is a library project...  Most of them seem to be ill-conceived, IMO.

> If not, what are my options to getting the solution and the nant task
> synched consistently. Is slingshot still around?

Every time someone asks about <slingshot/> on the NAnt lists, they are
informed that it is deprecated, unsupported and the hapless user should
download the latest nightly build or current version from CVS and try
out the <solution/> task instead.  :|

A little <script/> task to do find/replace in the project file(s) to
substitute "Web" for "Local", and in the solution file "http://"; for
String.Empty and "/" for "\" may work better for you than it did for
me...?  And maybe the <solution/> task will even eat the resulting
munged *.csproj and *.sln files without further complaint as containing
relative paths?  And maybe there really is a Santa Claus?

Doing this with CSC really isn't so bad, so long as the solution
maintainer(s) remember that they *must* update the build script every
time they add/remove references.  How often does that kind of references
update really occur for you?  [Just sharing my experiences trying to do
the same thing.  Like you I *really* wish that both developers and CI
could build from exactly the same files without change or

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