Whoa, now that price is an eye-opener.  No I didn't see that one come and go.  Its not 
being shipped to my house either :)

It sure looks gorgeous.  I've always thought the 2A/2B receivers look great.  I still 
have a 2A and I think it works good and sounds nice.  Maybe there's something wrong 
with my 2BQ but I don't see that Q-multipler as doing much.  

For a really classy Drake radio though I still have to say the 1A is incredible.  It 
sounds great, it looks interesting - well ok, oddly interesting :)  and that pass band 
tuning is effective.   I've used the passband tuning in the 75A4 and was pleasantly 
surprised with the 1A passband tuning as well.
73, Scott WA9WFA 
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