"Grant Youngman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterence to the drakelist gang

>  ... ,snip>  Today a working unit sells
> on eBay from $125 to around $200.    I don't know how many Drake
> manufactured but you don't see them for sale very often.   I think the price
> is driven by "supply and demand".

I'll rant on this one.  I think a big part of the problem is parts ... or 
parted out radios.  In this sense.

Some sellers pull all of the options out of a perfectly good 
"complete" radio and sell them separately.  Noise blankers, crystals, 
crystal filters, calibrators, option boards, and most "scum"marily .. 
things like band modules for an HRO.  You want to buy an HRO-5?  
You might have to separately purchase the radio frame, all of the 
band plugins (one at a time, plus one more sale for the storage 
box), the power supply, etc.  In a competitive bid situation, by the 
time you're done that radio has cost a fortune .. and you probably 
still have an incomplete radio.   I'm surprised in some cases that the 
knobs and tubes aren't also sold one at a time ...:-(

Some poor schmuck actually trying to buy a whole radio pays the 
price.  Next prospective seller sees the prices on options and his 
eyes glaze over as he begins to salivate at the thought of the 
bankroll;  and he does the same.  Slowly the prices creep.  I'ts easy 
to see ... the same guy will have the radio (no options) and all of the 
options for sale separately.  e-place or private sale .. same same.

Happens all the time.

Of course, the other expanation is that there just aren't enough of 
them to go around :-)

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