"Jim Pruitt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterance to the drakelist gang
Sartori published an article in QST in 1972 (I think).  At least it was in
the early to mid 70's.  The article was a how to article for the tubesters
that he later produced commercially.  As has been pointed out on this list
before Sartori worked in the semiconductor industry and was able to get
transistors branded for him and with the package needed.  Even at the time
the article came out the transistors were hard to find in the package
(TO-220 or TO-202 style I think) used by several of the transistors that
Sartori used.  The small TO-92 package was obtainable but the larger (TO-220
or TO-202) package was hard to find.

I have been looking for a set of these tubesters and have posted requests on
here from time to time but have not had a lot of success.  I think many on
this list feel that solid state tube replacements are a sacrilege to put a
non stock part in the Drake line but I look for parts to keep my twins
working and if they are solid state them that means they will work that much
longer.  Tubes are obtainable but are no longer produced in large scale.  I
am also told that the performance of the solid state tubes is not as good as
the hollow state original tubes.

Your mileage may vary.

I hope this was helpful.

Jim Pruitt

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Robert Ladden" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 04, 2007 11:32 AM
Subject: [drakelist] Solid State Tube Replacements

> Robert Ladden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterance to the drakelist gang
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> See eBay item 130130901159. These are homebrew (not Tubesters) and
> sold for $25.00. I saw them but did not buy. Were there instructions
> published to make these?
> 73,
> Bob WW3QB

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