Garey Barrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterance to the drakelist gang
Dale -

I'm not certain from your description, but you may have a problem with the Transmit IF neutralization covered in Section 5-18 in the manual.

Set VOX GAIN full CCW and XMTR GAIN full CW. While talking into the mic (in receive mode) turn up RCVR GAIN until you can hear your audio in the speaker. Adjust C168 (front, and to the right of T14) for minimum output from the speaker. If the adjustment requires more than one turn you'll have to readjust T14, C127 and the Carrier Balance, also described in the manual.

If the level doesn't change as you adjust C168, or doesn't solve the problem, further troubleshooting may be required.

73, Garey - K4OAH
Glen Allen, VA

Drake 2-B, 4-B & C-Line Service Supplement CDs

Hi ya'll

just developed a feeback problem with the TR-4. With mic key off I can blow into the mic and hear it in the speaker. ..and not be keying the Radio. Press the mic and the feedback really comes through plus my audio. I have adjusted the VoX and antivox...nothing. And I tried the TR-4 nmic on the twins and no problem. And switched the twins mic to the TR-4 and the same feed back problem is there wuts up?

Thanks Dale

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