Good Day All,

Just welcoming myself(!) aboard this Reflector...

I've been giving some serious thought of late here to do what I probably should 
have done some 24 years ago, specifically, buy a good set of Drake Twins. Back 
in '83, I elected to retire my venerable old Heathkit SB-400 / Hallicrafters 
S-77A combo, in favour of the latest & greatest from the Far East...

I've rued that day every time something major goes out with this flashy digital 
winking & blinking contraption.

Maybe I'll learn enough here to know which version of the "R4" series of 
receiver I should have, & the subtleties between all of the different variants 
thereof...I hope so, anyway, & look forward to the day that I might have some 
Twins of my own here to use, enjoy, and actually REPAIR myself, as the need may 

~73!~ Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ

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