Garey Barrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterance to the drakelist gang
Mark -

This is just a guess, having never owned an L-7.

There is a capacitor across a portion of the final plate RF choke. I'm assuming that it is to compensate for an unwanted resonance of the RFC on some band(s). It;s not easy to make an amplifier work over the entire HF range covered by the L-7.

IF that capacitor shorted, it would effectively short out part of the RFC, reducing the inductance, which would decrease the impedance at lower frequencies, effectively shunting RF to ground, OR altering the Pi Net match, OR... ???

Something is either shunting RF to ground, OR a series capacitor has gone down in capacitance (or one of a parallel pair has opened up) to decrease the coupling between stages, e.g., the plate blocking capacitor(s) in the L-7 are a pair 752 (?) pF capacitors in parallel.

Hopefully someone will KNOW the correct answer!

73, Garey - K4OAH
St Charles, IL

MT wrote:

MT <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterance to the drakelist gang

Howdy group

I have a couple questions about an L7.

First, I am looking for the .82 ohm resistor which did its job on Sat. I talked to Harbach and he does not have them. Newark and Mouser don't list them. Anyone have an idea for a source? There were no sources listed other than Harbach in the archives of this list.

I have low output on the bottom of 80 and all of 160. I went thru the manual steps and adjusted the tuning coils appropriately. I can get over 1KW at 3795, but at 3510 I get 300w. 160 is the same way. All other bands are over 1KW with no issues. The exciter does see a higher SWR at the freqs where I have low output.

The 80m tuning coil was adjusted extensively, almost to its limit, without much difference.

Any thoughts?


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