The moral to the story here is this.....
Problem/Issue/Symptom:  Radio is low or no output, syntheseizer will only 
settle down and lock up on two bands, and only after prolonged warmup.  Start 
TS at powersupply.  10v ok....a bit high at 10.4v.  Upon close visual 
inspection, found power supply transformer core top in two pieces on bottom of 
rig.  Started pulling boards.  DR7 first, then power supply board.
Glued two top pieces together with super glue, then super glued the finished 
top piece to the bottom piece on each side.  VERY light application of super 
glue with a toothpick.  Also used a toothpick to shim up the bottom piece to 
make contact while glue set.  Now, no need for Drake hookup wire to hold top 
piece on/in transformer.  Top and bottom transformer cores now are together 
instead of separated.  Reassemble and test.  Rig now works on receive properly 
on all bands, but needs alignment.  Adjustment of 10v and PBT controls 
completed, receive is comparable to my Omni VI+ on all bands.  Further 
alignment will be needed since 10v is reset.
Note here,.... its tough to pull this board and work with it without bumping 
the 10v pot, or the others as well.  So any work on this area will likely 
require a complete re-alignment of the radio.  Hopefully not a serious one, 

Note 2: Seems as though the operation of the transformer is not real critical, 
since super glue acts as an insulator.  Plenty of flux lines remain around the 
core for operation.

Note 3:  Broke the rule:  The only part of this TS that might be in error, is 
that I pulled boards and cleaned contacts prior to testing (I figured that I 
had the DR7 out, so might as well pull boards and deoxit contacts while I'm at 
it).  So I did more than one thing before testing.  I broke the rule here, but 
am reasonably sure the transformer issue was the sole cause of the synth lock 

Other:  Low output may be another issue to deal with.  I'll be on that one, as 
well as alignment,  this weekend.  I may have need of a better signal generator 
if I cannot improvise, but we'll see.  Need to figure a way to measure and 
finely adjust output.

Well, gotta get an old Hammarlund and Swan off my bench (repaired) Sat AM first 
thing!!  Ah...the joy of tubes.  One whale of a lot easier for me to deal 
with!!   Yep, sure is fun to resurect these old rigs.

Hope this info is a benefit to someone.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Eric Webner 
  Sent: Friday, March 14, 2008 8:51 AM
  Subject: Re: [drakelist] TR7 Project/Pwr Supplly Transformer

  congrats! that always makes you feel good to finish a project like that.


  Eric KA8FAN

  ----- Original Message ----
  From: David & Chris Drake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2008 10:32:35 PM
  Subject: [drakelist] TR7 Project/Pwr Supplly Transformer

  Just a note to all regarding the broken transformer core on the power supply 
board of my project TR7.  At first I figured I'd need a new transformer.  
However, based on expert guidance from Ron and Bill, I was able to super glue 
back the two broken top pieces and then simply glued the top and bottom halves 
of the transformer together (my idea).  I did leave the original Drake wire tie 
for originallity, but it no longer serves any funtion. 

  That fixed the problem.  The rig locks up on all bands just the way it should 
and suprisingly its on freqency with only minor adjustment.  All functions seem 
to be working as they should on recieve.  I'll be checking transmit tomorrow.  
I know I bumped the 10v pot in process, but seems to be ok.
  After checking xmit, I'll attempt full alignment and see where I end up.  I 
did repaint the top lid, as it was a later Drake black replacement and was 
scratched up.  I must say it looks very nice.  Split rear panel, 5392, fully 

  Thanks to all for their comments and offers of help.

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