Folks, it looks as though you can part out a TR7 and get more money for the 
parts (looks like almost double) than if you simply fixed the radio and sold 
it.  (I'm talking about the various parts for sale on epay.)   But I must also 
say the prices seem to be going up for ANY TR7, working or not.  AND, the 
accessories are almost out of sight. (in my opinion)   I suppose its basic 
supply and demand.

For me, I'm emotionally attached to mine!

PS, could'nt hear any of the Ohio guys this afternoon on the net.   Been that 
way for several weeks now.  We should be getting close to the upside of the 
cycle and we will all be having a lot more fun with radios.  Oh.....Hope 
everyone had fun at Dayton.  


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