Mike -

I haven't had to do that to one, but I would start with 5 pF, then 10 pF if necessary. Be sure they are at least 2 kV caps, which is going to be the hard part. They also need to be NP0 or 0 TC.

The trimmer cap is 2.7 - 8.4 pF, or a delta-C of 5.7 pF. The T-4XC had a 6 pF parallel cap when new, so depending upon what you can find in an NP0 you could go with either a 5 pF in addition to the 6 pF or replace the 6 pF with a 10 or 12 pF. It's probably not going to need more than that.

The Sylvania/RCA 6JB6 takes about 10 pF typically to neutralize. I don't have any data for GE 6JB6's, but the formula is Cn (Neutralization cap) / C (Input Bypass cap) = Cgp (Grid - Plate cap) / Cgf (Grid - Cathode cap) - or - X / 500 pF (C50 in T-4XC) = 0.4 pF (2 x Grid - Plate for RCA 6JB6) / 30 pF (2 x Grid - Cathode for RCA 6JB6) - or - X = 500 (0.4/30) - or - X = 6.66 pF. There are relatively large stray capacities that are not included here, such as tube socket and wiring, but if you can find cap data for a GE tube you should be able to get in the ballpark.

Perhaps someone else has direct experience and can get you closer.

When you are experimenting, I would suggest checking the neutralization first on 20M as the null is considerably easier to find (broader) than on 10M. Once you get neutralized on 20M, it will take only a very slight adjustment to refine it on 10M.

73, Garey - K4OAH
Glen Allen, VA

Drake 2-B, 4-B, C-Line & TR-4/C Service Supplement CDs

WA3WOM wrote:
A Drake technical bulletin issued when Drake could no longer get Sylvania 6JB6s and they had to begin substituting GE brand ones, says the following: /The T-4X series transmitter uses a 6 pf @ 2KV padder capacitor (C-48) across the neutralization capacitor (C-49). You must experiment with a small value capacitor across the existing padder C-48 to achieve proper neutralization./ I have several sets of matched GE and RCA brand 6JB6s that I am having trouble neutralizing. Anyone have any idea what "_small value capacitor_" means in this context? TNX ES 73 DE MIKE WA3WOM K

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