The minor changes to S-meter reading (transient or otherwise) as you
introduce or remove AVC path components (Fast vs Slow and BFO) don't
seem very revealing to me.  The slow drift in the S-meter over several
minutes is the revealing symptom.  This latter behavior could be
caused by a gassy tube whose grid is being fed from that very high
impedance AVC line as Garey has suggested or by the grid having become
contaminated and thus acting as a virtual cathode. So swapping out all
those gain-control tubes with a fresh tube one at a time would be a
good experiment.

Dennis AE6C

On Fri, Dec 26, 2008 at 3:26 AM,  <> wrote:
> Garey and Dennis, thanks agian for the inputs.
> Regarding tubes, I have replaced those afected by AVC/1 and AVC/2. Nothing
> changed. Maybe I will need to try to redo this based on what Garey wrote. I
> will get special attention to the 6BA6 which is driven by AVC/1.
> These are some effects that I would like to line up and make sure you have
> the details
> - After 10-15 minutes Smeter goes to S1. If I turn the radio off and on it
> will do again, but journey is
> shorter. The S-meter will come from S4 to S1 in 5-6 minutes.
> - During the journey to S1, after start up,  if I am in Fast AVC and switch
> to Slow (introducing the 1uf capacitor), the S meter's needle deeps to the
> left and gets up again. I hear the RX background noise to pulse too. It
> does that once.
> - In any circusntance there is a slight S meter difference when I switch
> from SAVC to FastAVC and vice-versa. In SAVC it reads about half S unit
> more (to the right).
> - I have realized that when th BFO is on, the S-Meter moves a bit do the
> left.
> Normally I would answer to someone that would have posted something similar
> to it that the AVC discharge path is malfunctioning. I have checked the
> resistors in this path. I have also checked the time constant capacitor in
> the AV/2 and AV/1 circuits.
> I will have time to check spurios oscillation and/or grid leak whan I get
> back home. I will be away  until year's eve or so.
> Please send any ideas that are very much welcome.
> Best regards Fred
> On Fri, 26 Dec 2008 04:19:24 -0200, Garey Barrell <>
> wrote:
>> Fred -
>> I have been traveling and missed some of this thread.  Try subbing tubes
>> in the AVC stages.  Often an IF tube will be gassy, and the grid will
>> "lose control" after 5-20 minutes of warmup.  The 12BA6 is particularly
>> susceptible to this problem, even in "New Old Stock" tubes.  You
>> sometimes have to try three or four before finding a "good" one.   The
>> AVC circuit is so hi-z that it takes very little grid current to upset
> it.
>> 73, Garey - K4OAH
>> Glen Allen, VA
>> Drake 2-B, 4-B, C-Line & TR-4/C Service Supplement CDs
>> <>
>> wrote:
>>> Dennis, merry xmas to you and yours, firts of all.
>>> Thanks for the input. I don not know if I my explanation was clear
>>> enough. The long S-meter journey to S1 just occurs after power the
>>> unit up and for 10 or so minutes. After that the behaivor is normal.
>>> Yes my first shot was a opened path to discharge the AVC circuitry.
>>> Unfortunately I have not found anything to blame. Did you consider
>>> that after the initial pb the behaivor seems to be normal ? Regards Fred
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